A Weekend of Victory

This weekend is a special weekend of personal victory, praise the Lord! As of yesterday, I am finally off prednisone, a strong steroid, to reduce inflammation in my lungs after being on it for almost a straight year (that drug is bad for me, yes, I know)!

On June 28, 2019, I accidentally breathed in some saw dust from a sand pine that got under my mask while I was working on a craft project. Let me tell you, I have known for months what it is like to go though the hellish feeling of not being able to breathe. I had emergency inhalers, bronchodilators, urgent care visits, nebulizers, and had to take supplements for the extreme panic attacks it caused when my body would try to black out from struggling to get air. Crazy!

The infamous sand pine

In the midst of all of it, God is good. I don’t appear to have lasting damage from the saw dust, according to a lung function test I took last month. Even when I got the flu back in January of this year, it never went into my lungs. Unfortunately, my husband coughed horribly for weeks after he caught it from me! My doctor marveled that everyone else he had seen with that flu had lingering issues with their lungs for weeks, but not this girl (my husband is fine now)!

God also showed me His compassion and the power of prayer and community during a pivotal moment when I was at my sickest moments. I went from feeling the worst I ever felt to suddenly on the path of healing in one night as my friends prayed the Scripture of the paralyzed man over me! I sang in church that Sunday!

Don’t be dismayed if things look dark in your life right now. A new dawn is coming, and God hears your cries. Look towards Heaven, and ask God to reveal all the little answers to prayers behind the scenes. Although He is God and doesn’t owe us anything, out of His abundance, He so often extends His hands of mercy, especially to His children.

May you find Him in your deepest valley. I know I did. You are never alone.

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