Old and New Testament Parallels, Symbols, and Ponderings Series Part 1

Have you ever wondered why it is important for Christians to read and understand the history and symbolism of the Old Testament? I’ve often thought and heard other Christians say, “Why do I Bibleneed to study the Old Testament? Doesn’t it only pertain to God’s chosen people (the Jewish nation)?”

The short answer is the Old Testament is filled with wonderful examples of God’s grace, providence, and miracles even when His people turned their backs on Him multiple times throughout history. It also contains a rich history and lineage that points directly to Jesus as a descendant from the house of King David. Also, there are prophecies foretelling the events of Jesus’s coming, death, and resurrection. The prophecies of Jesus especially fascinate me since there are approximately 60 different prophecies with more than 300 references, and they were written hundreds of years before Jesus walked the earth.

Here are a few teasers:

  • Have you considered how the dove sent out by Noah who brings back an olive branch illustrates the coming of the Holy Spirit, signifying new life?
  • Did you know Noah not only sent out a dove, he also sent out a raven when he was looking for signs of dry land? Did you know the raven has been used in Jewish culture to signify God’s provision and protection?
  • Have you considered the details of sacrifice and how they perfectly illustrate Christ taking our place?
  • Did you know the story of Abraham’s almost sacrifice of his beloved son Isaac parallels how Jesus took our place as a sacrifice?

I’m excited about diving into the details of the amazing parallels and symbolism above. I hope you’ll enjoy learning with me, and it will spark a renewed interested in reading the Scriptures for yourself or rekindling a love for the Old Testament.

2 thoughts on “Old and New Testament Parallels, Symbols, and Ponderings Series Part 1

  1. Pingback: Old and New Testament Parallels, Symbols, and Ponderings Series Part 4 – Abraham and Isaac | The In-Place Missionary

  2. Pingback: Books in Review: Culture, Translations and Contradictions | The In-Place Missionary

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